Friday, December 5, 2008

How to Find Your Niche & Style in the Photography Market

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Niche Plus Style equals a Photographic Career

As a freelance writer I must have heard a thousand times. "Write what you know." Why, I taught that myself in my classes. I would expand that to "Write what you know and love."

That is comparatively easy. I just wrote about what I loved (translate that knew). We all gravitate easily towards what we know and love. And there is no other brain that can write what formulates in our own hearts and minds.

Not so with picture-taking. When I entered the photography market I held a spanking new SLR camera, just like all other professionals use, and wondered how my picture of a landscape could be different than everyone else's.

Sure I could twist and lie on the ground and wildly change perspectives, but in the end how is my shot really different than everyone else's? How could I find a niche for my work that no one else could fit into, and no one else could even create?

For me it went something like this:

My Niche: I live in the beautiful foothills of the San Pedro Wilderness, with access to stunning landscapes and crumbling Southwest architecture. I moved here because physically and spiritually I was drawn. Viola - my niche.

My Style: This is harder. One day I was shooting a sunset over a small mountain lake and turned around to see the landscape behind me lit as if the sun were a black light from a 70s Hippie pad.

Upon downloading the days work, that was my favorite photo. But it looked bland and almost colorless compared to what my eyes beheld in person. I thought my camera was defective. I began to play with Photoshop until the scene emerged as a fairy tale path.

I had the light bulb experience as I admired my wonderland work. I thought back to my ex-husband telling me I live in a fairy tale and that life isn't a fairy tale. I remembered telling him that my life is a fairy tale and if he were to try and taint it I would banish him to Neverneverland.

I studied this dreamy photo of the dirt road leading to my cabin. I thought, "If I live in a fairy tale, and this is the path leading to me, then this must be a Fairy Trail."

My artistic world was birthed. This was it. This romantic application to my photos in post production was my style. Long story short, I named my gallery of photo art the Fairy Trails Gallery; Portals to Paradise. And that photo is the portal clicked on to enter my path.

Each photo, after I've manipulated it to look like I see it, and only I can see it, is magic for me. And if it creates magic for me, there are people out there who will also be drawn to it.

Your Niche is What You Know

Finding your niche may take some time. But spend that time. It is not wasted. With every photo we learn something about technical aspects. Go out regularly photographing. Don't think about. Just shoot what you enjoy. Soon you'll you realize your favorite subjects. Stick to them.

Think about where you live. Do you live there by birth or choice? Did you relocate there? Do you love your area, inspired by its beauty? If so, you may be a landscapist, not a portrait photographer, cooped up in a studio all day.

Conversely, if you are captivated by people's expressions and individual beauty, longing to capture it, you may very well be a portrait photographer. You may live in a dirty city where you don't even like to go outside. Or see the innate beauty of a fallen leaf afloat in the oil-slick of a city puddle and be counted among our troops of street photographers documenting city life. There are innumerable niches between these extremes.

Your Style is What You Love

Take time to peruse articles and tutorials on your discovered preferences. But don't bog yourself down with them. You'll find that reading just one will inspire several ideas and urges. Act on them. Write them down in one place. One day you will see the common thread among them.

Is there something that people have accused you of all your life, like me living in a fairy tale? Often times those criticisms are our strengths being misinterpreted by others. Think about that. Is there a connection between those accusations and the subjects you love to shoot and/or the way you choose to edit those subjects during post processing?

Are you adept at interpreting subtle nuances? Do you prefer things sliced and clean as a minimalist? The fact is, whatever you are, that is your style - simple as that. The rest is technicalities. Just keep shooting and don't stress over it, and your niche and style will expose itself as truly as that camera in your hands; pun intended.

About the Author

Photographic artist, Aggie Villanueva, dubbed the Grandma Moses of the American Southwest, uses photo manipulation to allow others to see life as she sees it, if they care to. Her photo art is represented at several galleries, and she is the founder/publisher/editor of the Aperture Aside Web Hub, which includes huge photography-related web archives, blog and bi-monthly photography journal.

Choosing the right wedding photographer can be e

For Additional Wedding Photography Tips See Blog About Digital Photography

Your big day is approaching. You've spent months and thousands of dollars on planning the perfect wedding day. You've got the best spot in town for the ceremony, the best caterer and even the best cake designer in the area. There's one crucial thing that a lot of people leave until the last minute that can make or break the wedding. Yes, it's the wedding photographer.

How important is the photographer to your wedding? You might think you can get the cheapest photographer with a decent photographer out there, but be warned. In 30 years, you will not be able to wear your dress or your tuxedo. No one will remember the food or what color the chair covers were. The only thing you will have to really pass on from your wedding are the photos taken by your photographer. That's why it's important to get the best wedding photographer you can afford for your wedding photos.

However, there is a way you can save a considerable amount on your wedding photography and still have great photos. How? Simply choose a photo retouching company that can edit all of your photos as soon as you get them. You see, wedding photographers usually provide you with a disc of all your photos in digital form. If they don't, then just ask them, as most will if you build it into your agreement up front.

After you've received your photos, just go to a wedding photo retouching company, like us, No doubt, even the best photographers take photos that can use some help. We see those photos everyday at You may have a photo that is perfect except for one person standing in the background. Or the best photo of the bride may capture the groom squinting his eyes. This photo would be ruined if it weren't for wedding photo retouching.

A photo retoucher can fix all of these issues, as well as generally enhance the color and beauty of each of your photos. Most will even give you a package price if you have multiple photos. You will find that the price of fixing your wedding photos is often far cheaper than hiring the best wedding photographer, and you know with retouching you will get the results you want.

About the Author

Doug Walls is the owner of, a photo retouching and photo restoration company that handles photo work for individuals and professional photographers.